This technique has been used for more than 3000 years, and has become very precise, very effective way of treating pain and dysfunction. Acupuncture is performed by using very thin single-use disposable needles that are hypoallergenic. The needles are gently inserted through the skin, into the muscles and joints to alleviate pain. The needles are left in for 10-15 minutes, then safely disposed of. This technique is very effective for chronic/long-standing pain, joint pain, and headaches - but it can be used for many other problems!
Cupping massage
This is a great addition to any massage. It helps break up scar tissue and restrictions, brings blood to problem areas to help them heal. Cupping massage is terrific for sports injuries and after a workout. Many olympic athletes use this technique to keep their muscles healthy.
deep tissue therapy
This is a collection of massage therapy techniques that applies deep pressure to the muscles to get them to relax. When combined with controlled breathing techniques this form of therapy can relax the whole body, increase flexibility, increase blood circulation, and eliminate or control chronic pain.
fascial techniques
Every muscle in the body has a thin sheet that covers it, called fascia. This covering can get inflamed, causing pain and scar tissue to form. The fascia can also get tight around a muscle. If that happens, the muscle is not able to relax fully. Both of these conditions can cause pain and impede proper muscle functioning. Fascial techniques loosen fascia and break apart any scar tissue that has formed around the muscle. It is a very effective way of restoring proper muscle function. These techniques are excellent for tendonitis, repetitive strain injuries, and postural correction.
pre-natal/ pregnancy massage
Baden Massage Therapy has a special table designed just for you! The pregnancy table allows the expectant mom to comfortably lay face down during her massage.
Expectant moms can benefit greatly from this type of massage. Starting in the first trimester and all the way to full term, women can continue to receive massage therapy for the aches and pains that they already have, or new aches that develop throughout the pregnancy. Some common complaints that I treat are: leg cramps, sciatica, low back pain, shoulder pain, headaches, and swollen, sore feet (to name a few).
Stretching is exactly what it sounds like. Your muscle gets moved into an elongated (stretched) position to help it to relax and relieve pain. Stretching can also improve circulation to that muscle and surrounding area. Having someone else stretch a muscle for you can be extremely effective because you are able to completely relax your body. This technique is used in conjunction with other techniques to optimize muscle health.